Akins Ford Corp.
- Address
- 220 West May St., Winder, GA 30680
- Website
- www.akinsford.com
- kmeyers@akinsford.net
- Phone
- 1-770-867-9136
- Fax
- 1-770-307-1952
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
All Roads Holdings
- Address
- 8600 Frederick Road, Ellicott City, MD 21043
- Website
- www.westendservice.com
- Phone
- 410-465-4455
- Fax
- 1-410-465-5456
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes, Titan
All Roads Holdings
- Address
- 3839 Ironwood Pl., Landover, MD 20785
- Website
- www.westendservice.com
- Phone
- 301-459-9560
- Fax
- 1-410-465-5456
American Enterprises, Inc.
- Address
- 5508 Navarre, Oregon, OH 43616
- Website
- www.am-ent.net/
- aelori@bex.net
- Phone
- 419-691-8888
- Fax
- 1-419-691-3068
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
American Wrecker Sales
- Address
- 2250 Baxter Street, Cayce, SC 29033
- Website
- www.americanwreckersales.com
- Phone
- 800-233-1881
- Fax
- 1-803-796-0375
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Austin Hinds Motor Co., Inc.
- Address
- 670 S. Brindlee Mtn. Pkwy, Arab, AL 35016
- Website
- www.austinhindsmotors.com
- hindsmotors@otelco.net
- Phone
- 256-586-8161
- Fax
- 1-256-586-2120
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes, Titan
Auto Equipment, Inc.
- Address
- 2846 Salisbury Hwy US 70 E, Statesville, NC 28687
- Website
- www.autoequipmentinc.com
- Phone
- 704-872-4116
- Fax
- 1-704-873-1265
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes, Titan
B & Z Sales, Inc. Birmingham, AL
- Address
- 400 Brook Street 35th Street North, Birmingham, AL 35222
- Website
- www.bzsalesinc.com
- mike@bzsalesinc.com
- Phone
- 205-731-9440
- Fax
- 205-731-9441
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
B & Z Sales, Inc. Brandon, MS
- Address
- 144 Old Hwy 80 West, Brandon, MS 39042
- Website
- www.bzsalesinc.com
- BZAlabama@aol.com
- Phone
- 601-825-1900
- Fax
- 1-601-825-3020
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Blackburn Truck Equipment
- Address
- 293 Luxomni Road, Lilburn, GA 30047
- Website
- www.blackburntruckequipment.com
- blackburntruck@gmail.com
- Phone
- 1-770-921-6070
- Fax
- 1-770-921-6474
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Blust Sales & Service, Inc.
- Address
- 3254 McGill Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45251
- blustmotors@cs.com
- Phone
- 513-385-6050
- Fax
- 513-741-6686
Brands: Century, Holmes
Bob's Services, Inc.
- Address
- 2009 Spar Ave., Anchorage, AK 99501
- Website
- www.bobsservices.com
- info@bobsservices.com
- Phone
- 907-276-3221
- Fax
- 1-907-276-1972
Brands: Century, Holmes
Bressler's Inc
- Address
- 2563 Valley View Road, Morgantown, PA 19543
- Website
- www.bresslersinc.com
- info@bresslersinc.com
- Phone
- 610-286-6013
- Fax
- 1-610-913-8344
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Canadian Towing Equipment North York, ON
- Address
- 64 Bartor Road (Unit 5), North York, ON M9M 2G5
- Website
- www.cantow.ca
- info@cantow.on.ca
- Phone
- 416-740-9090
- Fax
- 416-740-9938
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes
Canadian Towing Equipment Ayr, ON
- Address
- 5 Cochrane Drive (Bldg. B North), Ayr, ON NOB 1EO
- Website
- www.cantow.ca
- info@cantow.on.ca
- Phone
- 519-622-5522
- Fax
- 1-519-623-4013
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Chevron Commercial
- Address
- 3545 George Street, Highland, IL 62249
- Website
- www.chevroncommercial.com
- Phone
- 618-654-5555
- Fax
- 1-618-654-5725
Brands: Vulcan, Chevron
Chevron West
- Address
- 3030 Power Inn Road, Sacramento, CA 95826
- Website
- www.chevronwest.com
- Phone
- 916-371-7188
- Fax
- 1-916-731-4998
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron
Commercial Truck Equipment Corp Regina, SK CAN
- Address
- 105 McDonald St. N, Regina, SK S4N 5W2
- Website
- www.comtruck.ca
- info@comtruck.ca
- Phone
- 306-721-9575
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes, SP Series
Commercial Truck Equip Corp Surrey, BC CAN
- Address
- 9475 192nd Street, Surrey, BC V4N 3R7
- Website
- www.comtruck.ca
- info@comtruck.ca
- Phone
- 800-663-4140
- Fax
- 1-604-526-1196
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes, SP Series
Commercial Truck Equipment Corp Edmonton, AB CAN
- Address
- 9111 41 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 6M5
- Website
- www.comtruck.ca
- info@comtruck.ca
- Phone
- 780-468-5151
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes, SP Series
Commercial Truck Equip Corp Calgary, AB CAN
- Address
- 11199 48 St SE, Calgary, AB T2C 5H4
- Website
- www.comtruck.ca
- info@comtruck.ca
- Phone
- 403-253-6421
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes, SP Series
Crouch's Wrecker & Equipment Sales Miami, FL
- Address
- 5220 NW 72nd Ave Bay 6 & 7, Miami, FL 33166
- Website
- crouchtowtrucks.com
- Phone
- 1-800-628-5212
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Crouch's Wrecker & Equipment Sales Orlando, FL
- Address
- 751 Jet Stream Drive STE 104, Orlando, FL 32824
- Website
- crouchtowtrucks.com
- Phone
- 407-438-4160
- Fax
- 1-407-438-4161
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Crouch's Wrecker & Equipment Sales Kingston Springs, TN
- Address
- 100 Abbey Place, Kingston Springs, TN 37082
- Website
- www.crouchtowtrucks.com
- Phone
- 800-628-5212
- Fax
- 1-615-952-5301
Brands: Century, Chevron, Holmes, Titan
Crouch’s Wrecker & Equipment Sales of Florida
- Address
- 324 Dennard Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32254
- Website
- crouchtowtrucks.com
- Phone
- 1-904-696-3496
- Fax
- 1-904-757-2920
Brands: Chevron
Dattco, Inc. dba New England Truck Master, Inc.
- Address
- 315 South St., New Britain, CT 06051
- Website
- www.netruckmaster.com
- chris@netruckmaster.com
- Phone
- 860-229-4878
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Dattco, Inc. dba New England Truck Master, Inc.
- Address
- 131 Tuttle Road, Middletown, CT 06457
- Website
- www.netruckmaster.com
- chris@netruckmaster.com
- Phone
- (860) 635-8234
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
East Penn Truck Equipment, Inc. (East Division) Bethlehem, PA
- Address
- 1100 Win Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18017
- Website
- www.eastpenntrucks.com
- sales@eastpenntrucks.com
- Phone
- 610-694-9234
- Fax
- 610-691-0239
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
East Penn Truck Equipment, Inc. (West Division) Mercer, PA
- Address
- 7298 West Market Street, Mercer, PA 16137
- Website
- www.eastpenntrucks.com
- Phone
- 724-342-1800
- Fax
- 724-983-1920
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
- Address
- 9100 Ambassador Row, Dallas, TX 75247
- Website
- www.edgetectx.com
- cbouressa@edgetectx.com
- Phone
- 1-214-742-5221
- Fax
- 1-214-742-5218
Brands: Century, Chevron, Holmes
Elizabeth Truck Center Inc
- Address
- 878 North Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 7201
- Website
- www.elizabethtruckcenter.com
- Phone
- 908-355-8800
- Fax
- 1-908-355-8803
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes, Titan
Fleet Sales West
- Address
- 2175 N Pacific Hwy, Woodburn, OR 97071
- Website
- www.fleetsaleswest.com
- Phone
- 1-503-982-5095
- Fax
- 1-206-337-0306
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
G. Stone Motors, Inc.
- Address
- 489 Foote Street, Middlebury, VT 5753
- Website
- www.gstonecommercial.com
- Phone
- 802-388-9599
- Fax
- 1-802-382-8951
Brands: Century, Holmes
Golden West Towing Equipment LLC
- Address
- 1850 E. Orangethorpe Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92831-5324
- Website
- www.goldenwesttoweq.com
- Phone
- 714-779-6000
- Fax
- 1-714-779-6002
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes
Hedinger's Auto Care, Inc
- Address
- 6125 Southeastern Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46203
- Website
- www.hedingers.com
- hac@etczone.com
- Phone
- 1-317-322-7885
- Fax
- 1-317-351-2973
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes
House of Wreckers, Inc.
- Address
- 161 Industrial Road, San Carlos, CA 94070
- Website
- www.houseofwreckers.com
- Phone
- 800-594-0005
- Fax
- 1-650-594-1546
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
- Address
- 3190 Industrial Way, Mountain Home, ID 83647
- Website
- iwssales.com/towing-equipment/
- Marshallc@iwssales.com
- Phone
- 208-587-2888
- Fax
- 1-208-587-7155
Brands: Century, Chevron, Holmes
Jeff Ingram Wrecker Sales, Inc. Cabot, AR
- Address
- 343 Arena Road, Cabot, AR 72023
- Website
- www.wrecker-sales.com/
- jeff@wrecker-sales.com
- Phone
- 866-280-6761
- Fax
- 662-280-6875
Brands: Century
Jeff Ingram Wrecker Sales, Inc. Horn Lake, MS
- Address
- 1677 Dancy Blvd., Horn Lake, MS 38637
- Website
- www.wrecker-sales.com
- jeff@wrecker-sales.com
- Phone
- 662-280-6761
- Fax
- 1-662-280-6875
Brands: Vulcan, Holmes
Larry Nobles Wrecker Sales, LLC
- Address
- 10623 Cherryhill Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70816
- Website
- larrynobleswreckersales.com/
- dnobles@bellsouth.net
- Phone
- 225-292-0576
- Fax
- 1-225-293-3568
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes
Les Equipements Twin (1980) LTEE
- Address
- 10401 Blvd. Parkway, Ville d'Anjou, QC H1J 1R4
- Website
- www.equipementstwin.ca
- info@twin.ca
- Phone
- 514-353-1190
- Fax
- 1-514-353-1119
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Lynch Chicago, Inc.
- Address
- 4300 West 123rd Street, Alsip, IL 60455
- Website
- www.lynchchicago.com
- Phone
- 708-233-1112
Brands: Century, Holmes, Titan
Lynch Denver
- Address
- 1925 West Quincy Avenue, Sheridan, CO 80110
- Website
- www.lynchdenver.com
- Phone
- 303-289-2836
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes, Titan
Lynch Truck Center
- Address
- 2530 Beck Dr, Waterford, WI 53185
- Website
- www.lynchtruckcenter.com
- Phone
- 800-236-0089
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Matheny Motor Truck Company Parkersburg, WV
- Address
- 3rd & Ann Streets, Parkersburg, WV 26102
- Website
- www.mathenymotors.com
- Phone
- 1-844-628-4369
- Fax
- 304-485-2577
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes, Titan
Matheny Motor Truck Company Woodbridge, VA
- Address
- 14716 Industry Court, Woodbridge, VA 22191
- Website
- www.mathenymotors.com
- Phone
- 1-844-628-4369
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes, Titan
Matheny Motor Truck Company Louisville, KY
- Address
- 1383 Belmar Drive, Louisville, KY 40213
- Website
- www.mathenymotors.com
- jbaker@mathenymotors.com
- Phone
- 1-502-454-4960
- Fax
- 1-502-459-1686
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Matheny Motors Truck Company Pittsburgh, PA
- Address
- 352 Hahn Rd, Pittsburgh, PA
- Website
- www.mathenymotors.com
- Phone
- 1-844-628-4369
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes, Titan
Matheny Motor Truck Company dba Meyer Truck
- Address
- 19930 W. 159th St., Olathe, KS 66062
- Website
- www.meyertruckcenter.com
- Phone
- 913-764-2000
- Fax
- 1-913-764-2552
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes
McCandless International Trucks Inc
- Address
- 3780 Losee Road, North Las Vegas, NV 89030
- Website
- www.LasVegasTowEquipment.com
- Phone
- 702-642-8789
- Fax
- 702-642-7095
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Niagara Towing Equipment
- Address
- 1412 Ridge Rd, Buffalo, NY 14218
- Website
- www.niagaratow.com
- rsteiner@niagaratow.com
- Phone
- 716-863-1993
- Fax
- 1-716-675-6024
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes
Northeast Wrecker Sales, Inc.
- Address
- 9 Apollo Drive, Albany, NY 12205
- Website
- www.northeastwreckersales.com
- garysgarage1@aol.com
- Phone
- 518-573-3663
- Fax
- 1-518-869-3353
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron
Northern Alberta Tow Trk & Eq Sales
- Address
- 15236 -118 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5V 1C2
- Website
- www.natts.ca
- garryte@natts.ca
- Phone
- 780-454-4393
- Fax
- 1-780-455-8051
Brands: Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Patriot Sales & Service, Inc. Plainville, MA
- Address
- 153 Washington Street, Plainville, MA 02762
- Website
- www.patriottowingequipment.com
- jack@patriotne.com
- Phone
- 508-643-9201
- Fax
- 1-508-643-9205
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Patriot Sales & Service, Inc. Hampstead, NH
- Address
- 245-A Stage Road, Hampstead, NH 3841
- Website
- www.patriottowingequipment.com
- alan@patriotne.com
- Phone
- 603-329-5155
- Fax
- 1-603-329-4490
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Peak Wrecker, LLC
- Address
- 1605 Ackerman Road, San Antonio, TX 78219
- Website
- www.PeakWrecker.com
- Phone
- 210-661-4592
- Fax
- 1-469-645-1992
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes
Purpose Wrecker, LLC
- Address
- 1732 Prospect Road, Wentzville, MO 63385
- Website
- www.purposewrecker.com
- Phone
- 636-639-9700
- Fax
- 1-636-639-9044
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes
Reed & Hoppes, Inc.
- Address
- 2661 East Grand River, Portland, MI 48875
- Website
- www.reedandhoppes.com
- john@reedandhoppes.com
- Phone
- 517-647-4441
- Fax
- 1-517-647-1400
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
RPM Equipment Company, LLC
- Address
- 13317 Chrisman Rd, Houston, TX 77039
- Website
- www.wreckercapitol.com
- rpmwill20@gmail.com
- Phone
- 281-590-1494
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes
Smyrna Truck & Cargo, LLC
- Address
- 138 Roberson Mill Road, Milledgeville, GA 31061
- Website
- www.smyrnatruck.com
- ngriffin@smyrnatruck.com
- Phone
- 1-770-433-0112
- Fax
- 1-770-438-1504
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes
Southern California Tow Equipment
- Address
- 1334 North Knollwood Circle, Anaheim, CA 92801
- Website
- www.towequipments.com
- kmoda@towequipments.com
- Phone
- 714-484-0076
- Fax
- 1-714-484-1550
Brands: Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Spalding Auto Parts
- Address
- 2210 North University, Spokane, WA 99206
- Website
- www.spaldings.com
- salvage@spaldings.com
- Phone
- 1-509-928-2454
- Fax
- 1-509-928-2454
Brands: Chevron
Speedway Wrecker Sales
- Address
- 2564 Groveport Road, Columbus, OH 43207
- Website
- www.speedwaywreckersales.com
- Phone
- 614-491-6880
- Fax
- 1-614-409-1276
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes, SP Series
Stephens Truck Center LLC
- Address
- 6602 N 113th East Ave, Suite A, Owasso, OK 74055
- Website
- stephenstruck.com
- parts@stephenstruck.com
- Phone
- 918-794-2300
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes
Texas Wrecker Sales
- Address
- 10611 New Church Road, Dallas, TX 75238
- Website
- www.texaswreckersales.com
- ruthjkerico@aol.com
- Phone
- 214-340-1200
- Fax
- 1-214-503-1896
Brands: Vulcan
Todd Equipment, Inc.
- Address
- 3435 East Elwood Street, Phoenix, AZ 85040
- Website
- www.towtrx.com
- todd@towtrx.com
- Phone
- 480-557-8633
- Fax
- 1-480-557-6380
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Tow Industries
- Address
- 2223 W. San Bernardino Road, West Covina, CA 91790
- Website
- www.towindustries.com
- markattow@hotmail.com
- Phone
- 323-660-4866
- Fax
- 1-323-660-7243
Brands: Century, Vulcan
Tow World, Inc.
- Address
- 3305 Jack Northrop Avenue, Hawthorne, CA 90250
- Website
- www.towworld.com
- htowworld@sbcglobal.net
- Phone
- 310-263-1200
- Fax
- 1-310-263-1211
Brands: Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Tri State Towing Equipment of NY
- Address
- 52 Swalm Street, Westbury, NY 11590
- Website
- www.tristatetowingequipment.com
- Phone
- 516-338-9333
- Fax
- 1-516-338-0316
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Truck Body Sales, Inc.
- Address
- 1415 47th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95822
- Website
- www.truckbodysalesinc.com
- sales@truckbodysales.com
- Phone
- 916-395-8641
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Holmes
Twin Cities Wrecker Sales, Inc.
- Address
- 1301 Jackson Street, Saint Paul, MN 55117
- Website
- www.tcwreckersales.com
- sales@tcwreckersales.com
- Phone
- 651-488-4210
- Fax
- 1-651-488-1374
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Valley Wrecker Sales
- Address
- 1556 North Clark Street, Fresno, CA 93703
- Website
- www.valleywrecker.com
- rob@valleywrecker.com
- Phone
- 559-485-1513
- Fax
- 1-559-485-7835
Brands: Century, Holmes
Wasatch Truck Equipment
- Address
- 9529 South 500 West #6B, Sandy, UT 84070
- Website
- www.wasatchtruckequipment.com
- wasatchtrk@aol.com
- Phone
- 801-571-8761
- Fax
- 1-801-553-2111
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes
Winn Street Sales
- Address
- 25 Wall Street, Burlington, MA 01803
- Website
- www.winnstreetsales.com
- mike@winnstreetsales.com
- Phone
- 781-273-1180
- Fax
- 1-781-273-3765
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes, Titan
Zip's Truck Equipment, Inc. New Hampton, IA
- Address
- 316 West Milwaukee, New Hampton, IA 50659
- Website
- www.zips.com
- Phone
- 641-394-3166
- Fax
- 800-828-9678
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes, Titan
Zip's Truck Equipment, Inc. Taylor, MI
- Address
- 27265 Wick Road, Taylor, MI 48180
- Website
- www.zips.com
- zips@zips.com
- Phone
- 641-394-3166
- Fax
- 800-828-9678
Brands: Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Holmes, Titan